March Lessons

Here are some new things I've learned so far in March.

1. Never, ever assume that college volunteers have any of the tools they will need. And, never, ever jokingly suggest they should use the height of people on their crew as a measuring guide for lumber while they wait for you to return with a tape measure. Porches don't turn out well.

2. When dumbfounded with questions like, "What should we use to screw this together?" prepare a response that is better and than "Uhhh....a screw."

3. When your center directors are both sick, your other construction manager is off for the day, and the power goes out in the whole county for the entire work day...and you not only don't have a panic attack, but you run devotions, make it to the hardware store and back before crews are even done with dishes, get everyone set up (at their projects that magically don't require power tools), complete 3 IHVs, and write all your work orders for next week....that's when it starts to feel like you're maybe pretty darn good at your job.

4. Always wear earrings. That's how they'll know you're not a boy.

5. Unexpected apologies are beyond uplifting and very underrated.

6. West Virginia has a season called "Sprinter" or "Winting" or "Stupid" which is comprised of the months of February and March when one day is 65 and sunny and the next is a blizzard and the only consistent thing is the massive amount of mud everywhere.

7. Even when things seem so out of hand that your mind is filling up with hardware lists, to-do lists, who-to-call lists, lists of active projects, new projects, and old projects, and oh-right-I'm-supposed-to-also-be-thinking-about-applying-to-medical-school lists, it's all about the little moments you take. An extra five minutes at the hardware store to eat candy and make a new inside joke. An extra ten at a family's house to have their daughter use her magic necklace to give you good dreams. An extra fifteen, okay twenty, to play with puppies. Always make time for puppies. And as much time as you want to watch a family dance around on their new solid floor.

8. Country music isn't too bad. With the windows down and the sun out, songs about 'Murrica, beer, and tractors just seems to fit, I guess.

9. I like trucks.

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